UNS Conference Portal, IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and Its Application (IICMA 2021)

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Optimization of Lecturer Ranking System for Lecturer Functional Position
Asima Manurung, Yan Batara Putra Siringoringo

Last modified: 2021-11-19


Promotion is one of the rights and obligations of lecturers to the performance burden that has been carried out by lecturers in terms of implementing the basic values ​​of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The lecturer ranking system is implemented based on the lecturer's performance in teaching, research, and service that has been carried out. The lecturer rank system is implemented through a fairly long process and verification, so the creation of a good rank system will add good value in higher education services to the performance of lecturers for promotion. In this study, optimization of the promotion system for functional positions of lecturers will be carried out. The result achieved is a system of ranking lecturers by calculating the weight of credit scores so that recommendations for promotion of lecturers for functional positions in universities can be obtained and based on the satisfaction index (Customer Satisfaction Index) from a survey conducted on 50 respondents showing a value of 76.12%. This states that the rank system is at the level of satisfaction.