UNS Conference Portal, IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and Its Application (IICMA 2021)

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Scheduling BDS Snack’s Amplang Production System Using Max Plus Algebra
Winarni Winarni, Debora Christina Br.Tinjak, Sigit Pancahayani, Kartika Nugraheni

Last modified: 2021-11-19


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are the main drivers of national economic growth in Indonesia whereas they contribute to GDP of 61.07%, collect up to 60.4% of total investment, and absorb 97% of the total labor force. However, the high number of MSMEs in Indonesia is also inseparable from the existing challenges, for instance in terms of production problems. BDS Snack is one of the SMEs in Balikpapan which produce some snacks for example amplang. It is a food resembling cracker made from fish. BDS Snack’s Amplang is one of souvenirs from Balikpapan, East Kalimantan. It has two production sites, namely in Port of Fishery (PPI) Manggar and The Center of Agricultural, Fisheries and Marine Products Small Industry (SIKHPK) Teritip Balikpapan. One way to improve the productivity of BDS Snack is through scheduling amplang production system. In this study, the max-plus algebra method was applied to the scheduling BDS Snack’s amplang production system. The data for this study was obtained from observations at the BDS Snack production sites and interviews with the management. The result of this study is the eigenvalue of the production system is 60. It means that the period between one production and the next is 60 minutes. Therefore, we obtain a periodic production schedule. The production of BSD Snack’s amplang can be done four times a day with working hours from 9 am to 4.30 pm and one hour lunch break.

Keywords: max plus algebra, eigen value, scheduling, SMEs, BDS Snack