UNS Conference Portal, IndoMS International Conference on Mathematics and Its Application (IICMA 2021)

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Basic Literacy and Numerical Skills through Using Puzzle Media in Early Childhood
Fatimah Fatimah

Last modified: 2021-11-19


This study examines and descibes and describe basic numeracy literacy skills by using puzzle media for early childhood in TK.KB Kumala Wonomulyo. The approach used in this study is a qualitative research design with Classroom Action Research (CAR). The research subjects were 30 children. Data collection was carried out using observation guidelines and an assessment rubric in the form of tests. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis. The students’ basic literacy and numeracy abilities before the action was taken received an average score of 57 and 49, respectively, in the less category. The use of media, both number puzzles and letter puzzles, can be seen by students’ and teachers’ activities. In cycle 1, teacher activity reached 60% with sufficient criteria, while in cycle 2 it increased to 90% with very good criteria. Likewise, the activity of students in cycle 1 was 59% with good category, while in cycle 2, it increased to 89% with very good criteria. The basic literacy and numeracy abilities of students after using puzzle media have increased in each cycle. In cycle 1, basic literacy and numeracy skills with class completeness are 55.27%; 59.67%, with an average of 63.33. And 64.67 is less than the expected achievement indicator requirement of > 70 with minimum classical completeness of 85%. In addition, in cycle 2, students' completeness increased to 89.78%, with an average student score of 81.67 and 87. In cycle 2, it showed that student scores >70 were above the classical mastery limit.